My Life-Coach - Experience the Miraculous Difference in You

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Alternate Therapy

Apart from being a Clinical Nutritionist, Ambika Nair is a Professional Life Coach and a Spiritual Counsellor, and practices Alternate therapies in holistic healing since 11 years.

She quotes:" My Quest in wanting to know the Real me and to bring out the best out of me -made me the Professional Breakthrough Life Coach and Therapist, what I am today. I went through my spiritual journey inward and found that hidden potential was always available within me, which I failed to notice.

All of us have an inner potential within us waiting to express in its most highest way...

Are we able to tap it? What are we waiting for?

What prevents us from being the amazing version of ourselves?

My journey began thus and now I found it, I want to bring out the best version of YOU - through various powerful tools, empowering each to "BE WHAT YOU REALLY ARE!"

Come let’s identify together the Miraculous You within You...”
She has so far treated and counselled more than 300 clients with various Psychological issues, Relationship conflicts, Marital Counselling, Behavioural Issues and Spiritual Counselling ,using her Counselling and Problem solving skills, using NLP, Breakthrough NLP coaching, REBT and CBT,EFT, BFT etc.

She is a certified Reiki Grand Master and Crystal Healer and does Distance healing for her clients.

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)

NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. NLP is like learning the language of your own mind. Developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, NLP explains how we process the information that comes from outside to within.

NLP helps to loosen the current model of your mind, do a change work to ignite the desired state.

NLP is the bridge between your present state and desired state.
Make a Quantum Jump - To reach your miraculous You.

Ambika Nair is an internationally qualified NLP therapist with the following qualifications and had completed under the Master trainer - Dr Rangana Choudhuri of Vitality living college, UK.

- NLP Diploma

- NLP Practitioner

- Hypnotherapy Practitioner

- Breakthrough Coach

- Timeline technology Practitioner

She has successfully practised NLP on several clients and gives Coaching on a personal level, Business model, corporate level and helps clear the Beliefs which are a block in their progress, with regular 3 hour NLP sessions, with her Clients.

Click here to download NLP brochure.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

"Together we will build within you a bridge to the land of personal peace" - Gary Craig, the originator of EFT in 1997.

EFT works on the principle statement-"all negative emotions are caused by an imbalance in the body's energy system .In EFT, tapping technique to adjust the energy meridians in the body, by using your fingers to tap on certain points.

It is usually rapid, long lasting and gentle, no drugs or equipment involved, easily learned by  anyone and can be self-applied.
You and I can travel together on a journey towards emotional freedom.

It will be like nothing you have experienced before. You will, indeed develop the ability to discard your fears, phobias, traumatic memories, anger, guilt ,grief and all other limiting emotions. Often, even the most severe negative emotions vanish in minutes. EFT has proved over 80% clinically effective for stress, fears, depression, addictive craving, weight loss and many other physical symptoms.

She is a certified EFT Level 2 Practitioner in Pune and underwent Training in EFT Level 3, Matrix Reimprinting from the globally approved AAMET (UK) Trainer Dr. Rangana Chowdary of Vitality Living College. She has treated and counselled more than 250 cases with EFT and psychotherapy.

To get health advantage of Alternate therapy, please contact us.


RE & CBT (Rational Emotive and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) Given by Albert Ellis says - "Almost all human emotions and behaviours are the result of what people think, assume or believe (about themselves, other people and the world in general). RE & CBT helps people see that it is their thoughts and beliefs about events that creates difficulties, not the events or situations themselves."

RE &CBT helps people live rational and productive lives, by helping them change their irrational beliefs. It espouses acceptance and tolerance of self and of others in order to achieve life goals.

Ambika Nair is a certified RE&CBT practitioner trained under Mrs. Gowri Row Kavi from Albert Ellis Mental Health Institute, New York.

She finds REBT as one of the quickest way to address a problem and recommends few one hour, REBT sessions for enhancing their productivity in their lives.

Register for your Session today!

Our Services

  • Wellness Nutrition
  • Medical Nutrition Therapy
  • Weight Management
  • Corporate Nutrition Program
  • School Nutrition Program
  • On-Line Consultation
  • Hospital Dietetic Department Set-Up
  • Sports Nutrition Services
  • RD Examination Syllabus Revision
  • Academics
  • Alternative Therapies