My Nutri-Kitchen - Make Your Kitchen More Healthy
My Nutritional needs offers a wide range of services in transforming a kitchen, be it a home kitchen or a corporate or a school kitchen into a healthy one.
Areas of expertise with a vast experience in this field has helped us in formulating healthy menus, analyzing the nutritive value of the menus, Conduct awareness and induction programmes about healthy cooking for Corporate, Schools which provide food to children, Setting up Hospital Dietary department, to work in association with Caterers and Quantity cookery institutions.
Services provided by My Nutri kitchen:
1. School Nutrition Programme:
Healthy children of today are the healthy adults of tomorrow. This program summarizes strategies aimed at promoting healthy eating among school-age youth and provides nutrition education guidelines for a comprehensive school health program. The programme includes a comprehensive analysis of the School Kitchen, nutritional analysis of the menu served to students, conducting nutritional awareness program for the parents, pupils, and the school staff.
2. Corporate Nutrition programme:
We conduct Corporate Nutrition Programmes to optimize the health potential of employees. This program aims to bring about sustainable change and provide equal access to healthy lifestyle options for all the individuals. Canteen menu evaluation, health awareness talk for employees, food production staff and implementation of healthy nutrition practices are carried in this program. The micro-level changes suggested through this programme will impact to the company environment in a positive way and enable them to achieve larger collective goals.
3. Hospital Dietary Department Set Up:
My Nutritional Needs designs specific protocols for dietary department set up in various Clinic set ups and multispecialty hospital under the expertise of the Directors, who are qualified Registered Dietitians. Every hospital requires a dietetic department, established as per the quality standards and strictly adhering to the best practices in clinical kitchen set up.Our experts provide specialized services in this area, based on 15 years of field experience. Our expertise includes Liquid section, Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition, Diets for ICU and the identification and set up of specialised diets.
My Nutritional Needs have recently done complete MyNutri Kitchen setup at Aims Hospital, Pune. This includes setting up proper Dietary Department in hospital as per the quality standards and strictly adhering to the best practices in clinical kitchen set up.
4. Guidelines to Caterers in Healthy cooking:
My Nutritional needs helps the caterers in formulating cyclic menus, with healthy options, analyze the nutritive value of menus, therefore bringing the best in variety, taste and nutritive value of the menu.
Introducing healthy menu in Institutions which do quantity cookery-like Five Star hotels, Health Institutes which do quantity cookery.
5. Training Home Kitchens to cook Healthy :
My Nutritional Needs conducts induction and train to all kitchens to cook healthy:
We are associated with Rasoi club , an Online Club which opens new frontiers for those who are passionate about cooking not only to showcase their talent and get appreciated for their culinary skills, but also to build a business from home out of their busy family life. Induction programmes in the form of Healthy cooking practices, HACCP Guidelines( Regarding Hygiene ),Lifestyle management, Prevent nutrient losses in cooking are conducted from time to time and those kitchens are verified and certified by My Nutritional needs.
Want to setup healthy kitchen within your organization? Write to us at
Our Services
- Wellness Nutrition
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Weight Management
- Corporate Nutrition Program
- School Nutrition Program
- On-Line Consultation
- Hospital Dietetic Department Set-Up
- Sports Nutrition Services
- RD Examination Syllabus Revision
- Academics
- Alternative Therapies